Wednesday, November 16, 2011

#8 Look Book

Well I present to you guys the Spring 2012 Look Book by the only and only Whitney Port's line Whitney Eve! I just absolutely love her style and her designs and well her whole line! Her Spring 2012 is looking very very good! Let me just show you instead of blabbing on and on and on.......

Well, as you guys can see this is just great. I love that we have access to see these look books! I think it is one of the best inventions ever made! :) Whitney Port is definitely going to get good feedback when her spring 2012 line comes out! Can't wait!
Too see the rest of her lookbook you guys can go here:


  1. Awesome idea picking Whitney Port as inspiration, I love her. I remember watching her in The Hills back in our high school days. Her line is always fun and girly. I wish I could have it all in my closet!

  2. I LOVE Whitney Port! I've been a fan of hers since her early days interning with Lauren Conrad at Teen Vogue. Her elegantly lady like personal style exudes onto her collection every season. She is definitively one to watch over the next few years as her collections will continue to evolve.
